Masaki Ogura


I welcome motivated students to carry out PhD research under my supervision in the area of network science, swarming phenomena, dynamical systems, or a closely related field. Interested students are encouraged to first contact me with your CV that includes GPA and a one- or two-pages brief research proposal, and then to apply to the Informatics and Data Science Program of the Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering. A student may consider MEXT Scholarship or, if from China, then CSC Scholarship.

Research Assistantship can be considered only after admission. It highly depends on my funding and the research topic of students. Students are encouraged to self-fund their study.

Group members from outside Japan

With my Ph.D. (Texas Tech) and Postdoc (University of Pennsylvania) experiences in the United States, I have been (co-)advising students from a variety of countries having different backgrounds.

International collaborations