電子情報通信学会 システム数理と応用研究会, 2024.
[ http ]
“Shepherding as a paradigm for swarm control,” 2024 IEEE
International Conference on Cyborg and Bionic Systems, 2024.
日本OR学会2024年確率系合同部会, 2024.
[ http ]
“深層展開を用いたモデルベース制御系設計,” Society5.0
第10回適応学習制御入門セミナー, 2024.
“Enhancing Control System Design through Deep Unfolding: A Systematic
Approach,” University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2023.
[ http ]
“Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence,” 2nd Japanese-Canadian
Frontiers of Science (JCFoS) Symposium, 2023.
[ http ]
“When deep unfolding meets control engineering,” 37th International
Technical Conference on CircuitsSystems, Computers and
Communications, 2022.
[ http ]
第66回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2022.
[ http ]
[ http ]
電子情報通信学会信号処理研究会, 2022.
[ http ]
“Panel Discussion: What have we learned so far?” 59th IEEE Conference
on Decision and Control, 2020.
[ http ]
[ http ]
[ http ]
“感染症 × 制御工学 × ネットワーク,” Multi-Scale Neural
Networks Laboratory,京都大学, 2020.
[ http ]
2020年1月高信頼制御通信研究会, 2020.
[ http ]
“Optimization of positive linear systems via geometric programming,”
Shenzhen University, 2019.
[ http ]
“Optimization of positive linear systems via geometric programming,”
Guandong University of Technology, 2019.
“Synthesis of positive linear systems by geometric programming,”
University of Hong Kong, 2019.
[ http ]
ネットワーク科学セミナー2019, 2019.
[ http ]
足立研セミナー, 2019.
[ http ]
電子情報通信学会信号処理研究会, 2019.
[ http ]
第279回待ち行列研究部会, 2018.
[ http ]
“重要人物はだれ?~ つながりを科学する,”
生駒市立中学校出前授業, 2018.
[ .html ]
“Network epidemiology and control theory,” University of Hong Kong,
[ http ]
第62回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2018.
[ http ]
生駒市立中学校出前授業, 2017.
“How can we “control” spreading processes over complex networks?”
第4回数理モデリング研究会, 2017.
[ http ]
複雑ネットワーク・地図グラフセミナー, 2017.
“Analysis and control of spreading processes over complex networks,”
Washington State University, 2017.
“Analysis and control of spreading processes over complex networks,”
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, 2016.
[ http ]
“Dynamical systems over time-varying networks,” Workshop on Recent
Advances in Systems and Control, Kyoto University, 2015.
“Dynamical systems over time-varying networks,” Tokyo Institute of
Technology, 2015.
“Stability analysis of switched linear systems with non-traditional switching
signals,” in GRASP special seminar, University of
Pennsylvania, 2014.
[ http ]
“Mean stability of switched linear systems,” Université Catholique
de Louvain, 2013.
[ http ]
A. Fujioka, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Cyclic pursuit formation control for
arbitrary desired shapes,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol.
362, no. 2, p. 107467, 2025.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
Y. Bai, P. T. T. Ngoc, H. D. Nguyen, D. L. Le, Q. H. Ha, K. Kai, Y. X. S. To,
Y. Deng, J. Song, N. Wakamiya, H. Sato, and M. Ogura, “Swarm navigation of
cyborg-insects in unknown obstructed soft terrain,” Nature
Communications, vol. 16, p. Article number: 221, 2025.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
J. Aizawa, M. Ogura, M. Shimono, and N. Wakamiya, “Firing pattern
manipulation of neuronal networks by deep unfolding‐based model predictive
control,” IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 18, no. 15, pp.
2003-2013, 2024.
[ DOI |
http ]
C. Zhao, B. Zhu, M. Ogura, and J. Lam, “Probability rate optimization of
positive Markov jump linear systems via DC programming,” Asian
Journal of Control, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 2242-2249, 2024.
[ DOI |
http ]
A. Li, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Swarm shepherding using bearing-only
measurements,” Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A
(accepted for publication), vol. 383, p. 20240145, 2024.
[ DOI ]
W. Imahayashi, Y. Tsunoda, and M. Ogura, “Route design in sheepdog
system–traveling salesman problem formulation and evolutionary computation
solution–,” Advanced Robotics, vol. 38, no. 9-10, pp. 632-646,
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
多川純平, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二, “Sparse
計測自動制御学会論文集, vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 377-383, 2024.
[ DOI |
http ]
J. J. R. Liu, M. Ogura, Q. Li, and J. Lam, “Learning-based stabilization of
Markov jump linear systems,” Neurocomputing, vol. 584, p. 127618,
[ DOI |
http ]
R. Liu, M. Ogura, E. F. Dos Reis, and N. Masuda, “Effects of concurrency on
epidemic spreading in Markovian temporal networks,” European Journal
of Applied Mathematics, vol. 35, no. 3, pp. 430-461, 2024.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Mean escape time of switched Riccati differential
equations,” Journal of the Franklin Institute, vol. 360, no. 10, pp.
6827-6845, 2023.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
C. Zhao, K. Sakurama, and M. Ogura, “Optimization of buffer networks via DC
programming,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express
Briefs, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 606-610, 2023.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and N. Wakamiya, “Reduced-order model predictive control of a fish
schooling model,” Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, vol. 49, p.
101342, 2023.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
C. Zhao, B. Zhu, M. Ogura, and J. Lam, “Parameterized synthesis of
discrete-time positive linear systems: A geometric programming
perspective,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 7, pp. 2551-2556,
[ DOI |
http ]
和田弘匡, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, and 若宮直紀,
計測自動制御学会論文集, vol. 59, no. 7, pp. 309-320, 2023.
[ DOI |
http ]
X. Gong, M. Ogura, J. Shen, T. Huang, and Y. Cui, “Optimal epidemics policy
seeking on networks-of-networks under malicious attacks by geometric
programming,” IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics:
Systems, vol. 53, no. 6, pp. 3845-3857, 2023.
[ DOI |
http ]
相澤純平, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, and 若宮直紀,
システム制御情報学会論文誌, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 91-98,
[ DOI |
http ]
A. Li, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Communication-free shepherding navigation
with multiple steering agents,” Frontiers in Control Engineering,
vol. 4, 2023.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
A. Fujioka, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Shepherding algorithm for
heterogeneous flock with model-based discrimination,” Advanced
Robotics, vol. 37, no. 1-2, pp. 99-114, 2023.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
B. Zhu, J. Lam, and M. Ogura, “Log-log convexity of an optimal control
problem for positive linear systems,” Automatica, vol. 146, p.
110553, 2022.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Nagahara, M. Ogura, and Y. Yamamoto, “Iterative greedy LMI for sparse
control,” IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 6, pp. 986-991, 2022.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Kumazaki, M. Ogura, and T. Tachibana, “Dynamic service chain construction
based on model predictive control in NFV environments,” IEICE
Transactions on Communications, vol. E105-B, no. 4, pp. 399-410, 2022.
[ DOI |
http ]
R. Himo, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Iterative algorithm for shepherding
unresponsive sheep,” Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,
vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 3509-3525, 2022.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Kishida* and M. Ogura*, “Temporal deep unfolding for constrained nonlinear
stochastic optimal controls,” IET Control Theory & Applications,
vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 139-150, 2022. (*equal contribution)
[ DOI |
http ]
K. Hashimoto, Y. Onoue, M. Ogura, and T. Ushio, “Event-triggered control for
mitigating SIS spreading processes,” Annual Reviews in Control,
vol. 52, pp. 479-494, 2021.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
T. Kimura and M. Ogura, “Distributed 3D deployment of aerial base stations
for on-demand communication,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless
Communications, vol. 20, no. 12, pp. 7728-7742, 2021.
[ DOI |
http ]
K. Sugimoto, T. Aihara, M. Ogura, and K. Hanada, “Gain scheduling for
sampled-data state estimation over lossy networks,” Transactions of
the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, vol. 34,
no. 11, pp. 287-293, 2021.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Nagahara, B. Krishnamachari, M. Ogura, A. Ortega, Y. Tanaka, Y. Ushifusa,
and T. W. Valente, “Control, intervention, and behavioral economics over
human social networks against COVID-19,” Advanced Robotics, vol. 35,
no. 11, pp. 733-739, 2021.
[ DOI |
http ]
C. Zhao, M. Ogura, M. Kishida, and A. Yassine, “Optimal resource allocation
for dynamic product development process via convex optimization,”
Research in Engineering Design, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 71-90, 2021.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
八木聖太, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, 木村達明, and 林和則,
電子情報通信学会論文誌B, vol. J103-B, no. 12, pp. 644-651,
[ DOI |
http ]
X. Chen, M. Ogura, and V. M. Preciado, “SDP-Based moment closure for epidemic
processes on networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network Science and
Engineering, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 2850-2865, 2020.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, M. Kishida, and J. Lam, “Geometric programming for optimal positive
linear systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 65,
no. 11, pp. 4648-4663, 2020.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
W. Mei, C. Zhao, M. Ogura, and K. Sugimoto, “Mixed H2/H∞ control of
delayed Markov jump linear systems,” IET Control Theory &
Applications, vol. 14, no. 15, pp. 2076-2083, 2020.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
C. Zhao, M. Ogura, and K. Sugimoto, “Stability optimization of positive
semi-Markov jump linear systems via convex optimization,” SICE
Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol. 13, no. 5, pp.
233-239, 2020.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Kishida*, M. Ogura*, Y. Yoshida, and T. Wadayama, “Deep learning-based
average consensus,” IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 142404-142412,
2020. (*equal contribution)
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
N. Masuda, V. M. Preciado, and M. Ogura, “Analysis of the
susceptible-infected-susceptible epidemic dynamics in networks via the
non-backtracking matrix,” IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics,
vol. 85, no. 2, pp. 214-230, 2020.
[ arXiv |
http ]
X. Chen, M. Ogura, and V. M. Preciado, “Bounds on the spectral radius of
digraphs from motif counts,” SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and
Applications, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 525-553, 2020.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Stability of SIS spreading processes in
networks with non-Markovian transmission and recovery,” IEEE
Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 349-359,
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura, W. Mei, and K. Sugimoto, “Synergistic effects in networked epidemic
spreading dynamics,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II:
Express Briefs, vol. 67, no. 3, pp. 496-500, 2020.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
蓼沼知秀, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
計測自動制御学会論文集, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 89-97, 2020.
[ DOI |
http ]
今林亘, 韓心又, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
計測自動制御学会論文集, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 141-148, 2020.
[ DOI |
http ]
Y. Abe, M. Ogura, H. Tsuji, A. Miura, and S. Adachi, “Resource and network
management framework for a large-scale satellite communications system,”
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and
Computer Sciences, vol. E103, no. 2, pp. 492-501, 2020. Telecom System
Technology Student Award, Telecommunication Advancement Foundation.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, J. Harada, M. Kishida, and A. Yassine, “Resource optimization of
product development projects with time-varying dependency structure,”
Research in Engineering Design, vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 435-452, 2019.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura, V. M. Preciado, and N. Masuda, “Optimal containment of epidemics
over temporal activity-driven networks,” SIAM Journal on Applied
Mathematics, vol. 79, no. 3, pp. 986-1006, 2019.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
蓼沼知秀, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
計測自動制御学会論文集, vol. 55, no. 3, pp. 164-171, 2019.
[ DOI |
http ]
W. Mei and M. Ogura, “Kronecker weights for instability analysis of Markov
jump linear systems,” IET Control Theory & Applications, vol. 13,
no. 3, pp. 360-366, 2019.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Wakaiki, M. Ogura, and J. P. Hespanha, “LQ-optimal sampled-data control
under stochastic delays: gridding approach for stabilizability and
detectability,” SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 56,
no. 4, pp. 2634-2661, 2018.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura, A. Cetinkaya, T. Hayakawa, and V. M. Preciado, “State feedback
control of Markov jump linear systems with hidden-Markov mode observation,”
Automatica, vol. 89, pp. 65-72, 2018.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Second-order moment-closure for tighter
epidemic thresholds,” Systems & Control Letters, vol. 113, pp.
59-64, 2018.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Optimal design of switched networks of positive
linear systems via geometric programming,” IEEE Transactions on
Control of Network Systems, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 213-222, 2017.
[ DOI |
arXiv ]
M. Ogura, M. Wakaiki, H. Rubin, and V. M. Preciado, “Delayed bet-hedging
resilience strategies under environmental fluctuations,” Physical
Review E, vol. 95, p. 052404, 2017.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura, V. M. Preciado, and R. M. Jungers, “Efficient method for computing
lower bounds on the p-radius of switched linear systems,” Systems
& Control Letters, vol. 94, pp. 159-164, 2016.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Epidemic processes over adaptive
state-dependent networks,” Physical Review E, vol. 93, p. 062316,
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Stability of Markov regenerative switched
linear systems,” Automatica, vol. 69, pp. 169-175, 2016.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Stability of spreading processes over
time-varying large-scale networks,” IEEE Transactions on Network
Science and Engineering, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 44-57, 2016. Runner-up of
2019 IEEE TNSE Best Paper Award.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Stability analysis of linear systems subject to
regenerative switchings,” Systems & Control Letters, vol. 75, pp.
94-100, 2015.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “A limit formula for joint spectral radius with
p-radius of probability distributions,” Linear Algebra and its
Applications, vol. 458, pp. 605-625, 2014.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Stability analysis of positive semi-Markovian
jump linear systems with state resets,” SIAM Journal on Control and
Optimization, vol. 52, pp. 1809-1831, 2014.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Generalized joint spectral radius and stability
of switching systems,” Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol.
439, no. 8, pp. 2222-2239, 2013.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and Y. Yamamoto, “Dissipativity of pseudorational behaviors,”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 823-833,
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Nagahara, M. Ogura, and Y. Yamamoto, “H∞ design of periodically
nonuniform interpolation and decimation for non-band-limited signals,”
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol. 4,
no. 5, pp. 341-348, 2011. 2012 SICE Best Paper Award.
[ DOI |
http ]
W. Imahayashi, T. Tokugawa, K. Koitabashi, Y. Tsunoda, M. Ogura, and S. Muto,
“Actual experiment using mobile robot in sheepdog system -guidance route
design using traveling salesman problem-,” in SICE Festival 2024 with
Annual Conference (accepted), 2024.
J. Aizawa, M. Ogura, M. Shimono, and N. Wakamiya, “Manipulation of neuronal
network firing patterns using temporal deep unfolding-based MPC,” in
2023 Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual
Summit and Conference, 2023, pp. 15-21.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
Y. Deng, A. Li, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Collision-free shepherding
control of a single target within a swarm,” in 2023 IEEE
International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 2023, pp.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
A. Fujioka, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Proposal and evaluation of pursuit
formations based on cyclic pursuit dynamics,” in 2023 International
Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, 2023, pp. 30-33.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Asynchronous temporal interactions promote
disparity in networks,” in 2023 International Symposium on Nonlinear
Theory and its Applications, 2023, p. 25.
[ DOI |
http ]
C. Zhao, X. Gong, Y. Ebihara, and M. Ogura, “Impulse-to-peak optimization of
positive linear systems via DC programming,” in 22nd IFAC World
Congress, 2023, pp. 5544-5549.
[ DOI |
http ]
A. Fujioka, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Shepherding heterogeneous flocks:
overview and prospect,” in 22nd IFAC World Congress, 2023, pp.
[ arXiv ]
Y. Deng, A. Li, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Collision-free property analysis
for the shepherding swarm,” in SICE Annual Conference 2023, 2023,
pp. 1072-1073.
J. Aizawa, M. Ogura, M. Shimono, and N. Wakamiya, “Temporal deep
unfolding-based MPC for controlling firing patterns of neuronal network,”
in 2023 RISP International Workshop on Nonlinear Circuits,
Communications and Signal Processing, 2023.
A. Li, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Proposal of a bearing-only shepherding
algorithm with limited sensing capabilities,” in AROB-ISBC-SWARM
2023, 2023, pp. GS34-1.
Y. Deng, M. Ogura, A. Li, and N. Wakamiya, “Shepherding control for
separating a single agent from a swarm,” in 1st IFAC Workshop on
Control of Complex Systems, 2022, pp. 217-222.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
A. Fujioka, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Shepherding algorithm based on
variant agent detection for heterogeneous flock,” in SICE Annual
Conference 2022, 2022, pp. 87-91. Finalists of SICE Annual
Conference 2022 Young Author's Award.
[ DOI |
http ]
A. Li, M. Ogura, Y. Tsunoda, and N. Wakamiya, “Proposal of farthest-agent
targeting algorithm with indirect chasing,” in SICE Annual Conference
2022, 2022, pp. 92-94.
M. Ogura, K. Kobayashi, and K. Sugimoto, “Static output feedback synthesis of
time-delay linear systems via deep unfolding,” in 17th IFAC Workshop
on Time Delay Systems, 2022, pp. 214-215.
[ arXiv ]
M. Kishida and M. Ogura, “Temporal deep unfolding for nonlinear stochastic
optimal control,” in 7th International Conference on Advances in
Control & Optimization of Dynamical Systems, 2022, pp. 908-913.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and N. Wakamiya, “Model predictive control of fish schooling model
with reduced-order prediction model,” in 60th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, 2021, pp. 4115-4120.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Kishida and M. Ogura, “Temporal deep unfolding for nonlinear maximum
hands-off control,” in SICE Annual Conference 2021, 2021, pp.
[ arXiv ]
K. Kobayashi, M. Ogura, T. Kobayashi, and K. Sugimoto, “Deep unfolding-based
output feedback control design for linear systems with input saturation,”
in SICE International Symposium on Control Systems 2021, 2021, pp.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Kumazaki, M. Ogura, and T. Tachibana, “Service chain construction with
efficient VNF sharing based on model predictive control,” in 2020
International Conference on Emerging Technologies for Communications, 2020,
pp. M1-5.
[ DOI |
http ]
K. Sugimoto, M. Ogura, K. Hanada, and T. Aihara, “Sampled-data suboptimal
state estimation over lossy networks,” in 52nd ISCIE International
Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, 2020, pp.
[ DOI |
http ]
C. Zhao, M. Ogura, and K. Sugimoto, “Finite-time control of discrete-time
positive linear systems via convex optimization,” in SICE Annual
Conference 2020, 2020, pp. 1230-1235.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
Y. Abe, M. Ogura, H. Tsuji, A. Miura, and S. Adachi, “Resource and network
management for satellite communications systems: a chance-constrained
approach,” in 21st IFAC World Congress, 2020, pp. 3304-3309.
[ DOI |
http ]
T. Kimura and M. Ogura, “Distributed collaborative 3D-deployment of UAV base
stations for on-demand coverage,” in IEEE International Conference on
Computer Communications 2020, 2020, pp. 1748-1757. Acceptance rate
19.8 percent.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Aida, C. Takano, and M. Ogura, “On the fundamental equation of user
dynamics and the structure of online social networks,” in NetSci-X
2020, 2020, pp. 155-170.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura, M. Kishida, K. Hayashi, and J. Lam, “Geometric programming for
optimizing stability of distributed power control algorithms,” in
SICE Annual Conference 2019, 2019, pp. 679-680.
M. Ogura, W. Mei, and K. Sugimoto, “Upper-bounding dynamics on networked
synergistic susceptible-infected-susceptible model,” in SICE Annual
Conference 2019, 2019, pp. 1430-1431.
M. Ogura, M. Kishida, and A. Yassine, “Optimizing product development
projects under asynchronous and aperiodic system-local interactions,” in
21st International DSM Conference, 2019, pp. 97-106.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, M. Kishida, K. Hayashi, and J. Lam, “Resource allocation for robust
stabilization of Foschini-Miljanic Algorithm,” in 2019 American
Control Conference, 2019, pp. 4030-4035.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Kumazaki, M. Ogura, and T. Tachibana, “VNF management with model
predictive control for multiple service chains,” in IEEE
International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan, 2019.
[ http ]
T. Tadenuma, M. Ogura, and K. Sugimoto, “Sampled-data state observation over
lossy networks under round-robin scheduling,” in 5th IFAC Conference
on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems, 2018, pp. 197-202.
Young Author Award Finalist.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
W. Mei and M. Ogura, “Instability analysis of Markov jump linear systems by
spectral optimization,” in SICE Annual Conference 2018, 2018, pp.
M. Ogura, J. Wan, and S. Kasahara, “Model predictive control for
energy-efficient operation of data centers with cold aisle containments,”
in 6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control, 2018,
pp. 241-246.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and J. Harada, “Resource allocation for containing epidemics from
temporal network data,” in 23rd International Symposium on
Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 2018, pp. 537-542.
[ arXiv |
.pdf ]
M. Ogura, J. Tagawa, and N. Masuda, “Distributed agreement on activity driven
networks,” in 2018 American Control Conference, 2018, pp.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
X. Chen, M. Ogura, K. R. Ghusinga, A. Singh, and V. M. Preciado,
“Semidefinite bounds for moment dynamics: Application to epidemics on
networks,” in 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2017,
pp. 2448-2454.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Katz centrality of Markovian temporal networks:
analysis and optimization,” in 2017 American Control Conference,
2017, pp. 5001-5006.
[ DOI |
arXiv ]
M. Wakaiki, M. Ogura, and J. P. Hespanha, “Linear quadratic control for
sampled-data systems with stochastic delays,” in 2017 American
Control Conference, 2017, pp. 1978-1983.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, M. Wakaiki, and V. M. Preciado, “Dynamic analysis of bet-hedging
strategies as a protection mechanism against environmental fluctuations,”
in 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2016, pp. 4178-4183.
[ DOI |
arXiv ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Efficient containment of exact SIR Markovian
processes on networks,” in 55th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, 2016, pp. 967-972.
[ DOI |
arXiv ]
M. Wakaiki, M. Ogura, and J. P. Hespanha, “Robust stability under
asynchronous sensing and control,” in 55th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, 2016, pp. 5962-5967.
[ DOI |
http ]
V. M. Preciado and M. Ogura, “Structural analysis of spreading processes from
ego-nets,” in 6th IFAC Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control
in Networked Systems, 2016, pp. 345-350.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, A. Cetinkaya, T. Hayakawa, and V. M. Preciado, “Efficient criteria
for stability of large-scale networked control systems,” in 6th IFAC
Workshop on Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems, 2016,
pp. 13-18.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, M. Wakaiki, J. P. Hespanha, and V. M. Preciado, “L2-gain
analysis of regenerative switched linear systems under sampled-data
state-feedback control,” in 2016 American Control Conference, 2016,
pp. 709-714.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Optimal design of networks of positive linear
systems under stochastic uncertainty,” in 2016 American Control
Conference, 2016, pp. 2930-2935.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Spreading processes over socio-technical
networks with phase-type transmissions,” in 54th IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, 2015, pp. 3548-3553.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Cost-optimal switching protection strategy in
adaptive networks,” in 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
2015, pp. 3574-3579.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
C. Nowzari, M. Ogura, V. M. Preciado, and G. J. Pappas, “A general class of
spreading processes with non-Markovian dynamics,” in 54th IEEE
Conference on Decision and Control, 2015, pp. 5073-5078.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
C. Nowzari, M. Ogura, V. M. Preciado, and G. J. Pappas, “Optimal resource
allocation for containing epidemics on time-varying networks,” in
49th Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2015, pp.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, M. Nagahara, and V. M. Preciado, “L1-optimal disturbance
rejection for disease spread over time-varying networks,” in SWARM
2015: The First International Symposium on Swarm Behavior and Bio-Inspired
Robotics, 2015, pp. 377-378.
M. Ogura, A. Cetinkaya, and V. M. Preciado, “State-feedback stabilization of
Markov jump linear systems with randomly observed Markov states,” in
2015 American Control Conference, 2015, pp. 1764-1769.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Disease spread over randomly switched
large-scale networks,” in 2015 American Control Conference, 2015,
pp. 1782-1787.
[ DOI |
arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and R. M. Jungers, “Efficiently computable lower bounds for the
p-radius of switching linear systems,” in 53rd IEEE Conference on
Decision and Control, 2014, pp. 5463-5468.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Mean stability of continuous-time semi-Markov
jump linear positive systems,” in 2014 American Control Conference,
2014, pp. 3261-3266.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “On the mean stability of a class of switched
linear systems,” in 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
2013, pp. 97-102.
[ arXiv |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Stability of switching systems and generalized
joint spectral radius,” in 2013 European Control Conference, 2013,
pp. 3185-3190.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Stochastic properties of switched Riccati
differential equations,” in 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, 2012, pp. 1319-1324.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, Y. Yamamoto, and J. C. Willems, “On the dissipativity of
pseudorational behaviors,” in 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, 2010, pp. 1737-1742.
[ DOI |
http ]
Y. Yamamoto, J. C. Willems, and M. Ogura, “Pseudorational behaviors and
Bezoutians,” in 19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory
of Networks and Systems, 2010, pp. 1917-1921.
M. Ogura and Y. Yamamoto, “Dissipativity of pseudorational behaviors,” in
19th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and
Systems, 2010, pp. 849-853.
M. Ogura and Y. Yamamoto, “Hankel norm computation for pseudorational
transfer functions,” in 48th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control
held jointly with 2009 28th Chinese Control Conference, 2009, pp.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Nagahara, M. Ogura, and Y. Yamamoto, “A novel approach to repetitive
control via sampled-data H∞ filters,” in 7th Asian Control
Conference, 2009, pp. 160-165.
[ http ]
M. Nagahara, M. Ogura, and Y. Yamamoto, “Interpolation of nonuniformly
decimated signals via sampled-data H∞ optimization,” in SICE
Annual Conference 2008, 2008, pp. 1151-1154.
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, M. Nagahara, and Y. Yamamoto, “Optimal wavelet expansion via
sampled-data H∞ control theory,” in SICE Annual Conference
2007, 2007, pp. 1422-1426.
[ DOI |
http ]
永井陸斗, 樋口裕太, 岡崎淳史, 小蔵正輝, and 若宮直紀,
第67回自動制御連合講演会 (発表予定), 2024.
指江愛理 and 小蔵正輝,
電子情報通信学会 システム数理と応用研究会, 2024.
[ http ]
M. Ogura, “When deep unfolding meets control engineering,” Medical
and Informatics Workshop and School of Informatics and Data Science Seminar,
武内勇太朗, 岡野訓尚, and 小蔵正輝,
第68回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
22I-4, 2024.
A. Li, R. Oshima, Y. Murakami, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Divide-and-rule
strategies for shepherding swarms with inherent noise,”
pp. 1A7-2, 2024.
永井陸斗, 小蔵正輝, 小槻峻司, and 若宮直紀, “Control
信学技報, vol. 123, no. 265, MSS2023-42, pp. 63-68, 2023.
[ http ]
相澤純平, 小蔵正輝, 下野昌宣, and 若宮直紀,
第66回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 412-413, 2023.
[ DOI |
http ]
小蔵正輝, “Moment
線形代数的グラフ理論とその応用, 2023.
小蔵正輝, “群制御とshepherding problem,”
第17回数理モデリング研究会, 2023.
[ http ]
藤岡杏奈, 小蔵正輝, and 若宮直紀,
信学技報, vol. 123, no. 100, MSS2023-15, pp. 72-77, 2023.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝 and 若宮直紀, “最遠個体追跡法の解析,”
第67回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
211-5, 2023.
[ http ]
A. Li, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Evaluation of bearing-only shepherding
algorithm on different types of flocks,”
第67回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
251-3, 2023.
[ http ]
C. Zhao and M. Ogura, “Probability rate optimization of positive Markov jump
linear systems via DC programming,”
pp. 1A6-1, 2023.
[ http ]
秋口敬, 小蔵正輝, 李艾義, and 若宮直紀,
信学技報, vol. 122, no. 435, MSS2022-94, pp. 150-155, 2023.
[ http ]
和田弘匡, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, and 若宮直紀,
pp. 2M4-1, 2023.
[ http ]
佐藤文哉, 小蔵正輝, 下野昌宣, and 若宮直紀,
pp. 3A8-3, 2023.
[ http ]
Y. Deng, M. Ogura, A. Li, and N. Wakamiya, “Shepherding algorithm for
separating a single agent from swarm,”
第35回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, pp. 1C1-4,
[ http ]
今林亘, 角田祐輔, and 小蔵正輝,
pp. 469-473, 2022.
[ http ]
T. Hayashi, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Analysis of robustness to
disturbances of multi-agent system inspired by ant foraging behavior,” in
54th ISCIE International Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its
Applications, 2022, p. 16.
小槻峻司, O. Mao, 岡崎淳史, 徳田慶太, 小林亮太, 小蔵正輝,
薄良彦, and 稲村友彦,
[ DOI |
http ]
小蔵正輝 and 岸田昌子, “時相深層展開を用いた制御手法,”
2022年電子情報通信学会ソサイエティ大会, 2022.
小蔵正輝, “分担者としての研究プロジェクト参画,”
第89回情報科学研究科ランチセミナー, 2022.
[ http ]
相澤純平, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, and 若宮直紀,
第66回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
253-3, 2022.
[ http ]
R. Liu, M. Ogura, E. F. D. Reis, and N. Masuda, “Impacts of concurrency on
epidemic spreading in Markovian temporal networks,” Fifth Northeast
Regional Conference on Complex Systems, pp. 1A-2, 2022.
チュートリアルセッション, 2022.
[ http ]
藤岡杏奈, 小蔵正輝, and 若宮直紀,
pp. 1D1-3, 2022.
[ http ]
A. Li, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “A distributed approach for shepherding
with multiple steering agents,”
第34回自律分散システム・シンポジウム, pp. 2B2-3,
[ http ]
岸田昌子 and 小蔵正輝,
第24回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ, 2021.
[ http ]
和田弘匡, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, and 若宮直紀,
第64回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 1F2-5, 2021.
[ DOI |
http ]
R. Himo, M. Ogura, and N. Wakamiya, “Shepherding algorithm for agents with
heterogeneous sensitivities,” in 4th International Symposium on Swarm
Behavior and Bio-Inspired Robotics 2021, 2021.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, “誰でも簡単に使える制御をめざして,”
第59回情報科学研究科ランチセミナー, 2021.
[ http ]
N. Masuda, V. Preciado, and M. Ogura, “Analysis of the
susceptible-infected-susceptible model in finite networks using the
non-backtracking matrix,” 2021 SIAM Conference on Applied Linear
Algebra, 2021.
[ http ]
R. Liu, M. Ogura, E. F. D. Reis, and N. Masuda, “Modeling epidemic spreading
in Markovian temporal networks with different degrees of concurrency,”
Fourth Northeast Regional Conference on Complex Systems, 2021.
[ http ]
R. Liu, M. Ogura, E. F. D. Reis, and N. Masuda, “Modeling effects of
concurrency on epidemic spreading in Markovian temporal networks,” in
Networks 2021: A Joint Sunbelt and NetSci Conference, 2021.
[ http ]
M. Ogura and N. Wakamiya, “Reduced order model predictive control of a fish
schooling model,”
pp. 3D2-1, 2021.
[ http ]
M. Ogura and C. Zhao, “DC programming for optimization of dynamic buffer
pp. 1D1-2, 2021.
[ http ]
相原敏孝, 小蔵正輝, 花田研太, and 杉本謙二,
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, “ネットワーク上での感染症伝播モデルの制御,”
IT連携フォーラムOACIS第63回技術座談会, 2021.
[ .html ]
小林恒輝, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
信学技報, vol. 120, no. 292, RCC2020-16, pp. 31-34, 2020.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, “制御理論からバイオ情報へ,” 第39回
情報科学研究科ランチセミナー, 2020.
[ http ]
M. Ogura, “Modelling, analysis, and control of networked epidemic
processes,” CiNet Friday Lunch Seminar, 2020.
[ http ]
木村達明 and 小蔵正輝,
信学技報, vol. 120, no. 183, NS2020-72, pp. 86-96, 2020.
[ http ]
M. Ogura, “Second-order moment closures for networked
susceptible-infected-susceptible model,” 52nd ISCIE International
Symposium on Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, 2020.
小蔵正輝, “幾何計画による線形非負システムの最適化,”
[ http ]
熊崎雅哉, 小蔵正輝, and 橘拓至,
信学技報, 2020.
[ http ]
小林恒輝, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, 和田山正, and 杉本謙二,
第64回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
276-278, 2020.
[ http ]
森純平, 小蔵正輝, 小林泰介, and 杉本謙二,
pp. 3I1-2, 2020.
[ http ]
今林亘, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
pp. 1C1-3, 2020.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, and 林參,
pp. 1G2-2, 2020.
[ http ]
T. Kimura and M. Ogura, “Distributed deployment of unmanned aerial vehicle
base stations for maximizing ground user QoS,”
2020年電子情報通信学会総合大会, pp. BS-1-7, 2020.
[ http ]
阿部侑真, 小蔵正輝, 辻宏之, 三浦周, and 足立修一,
信学技報, vol. 119, no. 417, SAT2019-72, pp. 29-32, 2020.
[ http ]
小林恒輝, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, 和田山正, and 杉本謙二,
“Neural Ordinary Differential
信学技法, vol. 119, no. 395, RCC2019-73, pp. 19-22, 2020.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, 今林亘, 会田雅樹, and 杉本謙二,
第62回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 1A2-03, 2019.
[ http ]
熊崎雅哉, 小蔵正輝, and 橘拓至,
[ http ]
小林恒輝, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, 和田山正, and 杉本謙二,
信学技法, vol. 119, no. 270, RCC2019-65, pp. 59-62, 2019.
[ http ]
小林恒輝, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
第62回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 2B1-04, 2019.
[ http ]
岸田昌子, 小蔵正輝, 吉田悠一, and 和田山正, “Deep
learning-based average consensus,”
第22回情報論的学習理論ワークショップ, 2019.
[ http ]
八木聖太, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, 杉本謙二, and 林和則,
信学技法, vol. 119, no. 270, RCC2019-63, pp. 49-52, 2019.
[ http ]
森純平, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
信学技法, vol. 119, no. 270, RCC2019-54, pp. 7-10, 2019.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, “プロジェクトマネジメントと非負システム,”
[ http ]
会田雅樹, 高野知佐, and 小蔵正輝,
信学技法, vol. 119, no. 158, IN2019-21, pp. 37-42, 2019.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, “Epidemic spreading processes over adaptive activity-driven
networks,” 第9回数理モデリング研究会, 2019.
[ http ]
八木聖太, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, 杉本謙二, and 林和則,
信学技法, vol. 119, no. 31, RCS2019-30, pp. 43-46, 2019.
[ http ]
森純平, 小蔵正輝, A. Cetinkaya, and 杉本謙二, “Particle Swarm
第63回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
159-161, 2019.
[ http ]
熊崎雅哉, 小蔵正輝, and 橘拓至,
2019年電子情報通信学会総合大会, pp. B-6-13, 2019.
蓼沼知秀, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
pp. 2F2-6, 2019.
[ http ]
原田潤一, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
pp. 3D1-5, 2019.
[ http ]
趙成岩, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
信学技法, vol. 118, no. 423, RCC2018-113, pp. 35-36, 2019.
[ http ]
阿部侑真, 小蔵正輝, 辻宏之, 三浦周, and 足立修一,
信学技法, vol. 118, no. 344, RCC2018-98, pp. 223-227, 2018.
[ http ]
多川純平, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二, “Simplicial
第61回自動制御連合講演会, pp. 1421-1425, 2018.
[ DOI |
http ]
原田潤一, 小蔵正輝, 岸田昌子, and 杉本謙二,
[ DOI |
http ]
M. Ogura, W. Mei, and K. Sugimoto, “Stability analysis of synergistic
spreading processes,” 50th ISCIE International Symposium on
Stochastic Systems Theory and Its Applications, pp. 2B4-1, 2018.
小蔵正輝, “設計構造行列のすすめ,”
第6回数理モデリング研究会, 2018.
[ http ]
蓼沼知秀, 小蔵正輝, and 杉本謙二,
pp. Su43-5, 2018.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝 and 原田潤一,
pp. Fr63-3, 2018.
[ http ]
廣島健亮, 小蔵正輝, 杉本謙二, and 橘拓至,
2018年電子情報通信学会総合大会, pp. B-6-9, 2018.
[ http ]
多川純平, 小蔵正輝, 増田直紀, and 杉本謙二,
pp. Su23-3, 2018.
[ http ]
M. Ogura and V. M. Preciado, “Exact second-order moment closure for networked
SIS models,” NetSci-X 2018, 2018.
第60回自動制御連合講演会, pp. SuD2-5, 2017.
[ DOI |
http ]
原田潤一 and 小蔵正輝,
第60回自動制御連合講演会, pp. SaJ1-2, 2017.
[ DOI |
http ]
山本一輝, 小蔵正輝, and 加嶋健司,
第61回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
262-4, 2017.
[ http ]
若生将史 and 小蔵正輝,
pp. 3D2-2, 2017. 制御部門大会賞.
[ http ]
若生将史 and 小蔵正輝,
pp. 2C3-1, 2016.
[ http ]
小蔵正輝, 永原正章, and V. M. Preciado,
“伝染病拡散抑制のための最適制御,” 信学技法, vol.
115, no. 438, MICT2015-52, pp. 63-65, 2016.
[ http ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “A characterization of joint spectral radius with
the p-radius of distributions,” in AMS 2014 Spring Central
Sectional Meeting, 2014, pp. 1100-15-23.
[ .pdf ]
M. Ogura and C. F. Martin, “Mean stability of stochastic difference equations
over cones,” in 93rd Annual Meeting, Mathematical Association of
America Texas Section, 2013.
[ http ]
若生将史, 小蔵正輝, and 山本裕,
第54回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, 2010.
[ DOI |
http ]
小蔵正輝 and 山本裕,
第54回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
W35-6, 2010.
[ DOI |
http ]
小蔵正輝, 永原正章, and 山本裕,
第38回制御理論シンポジウム, pp. 209-212, 2009.
[ http ]
永原正章, 小蔵正輝, and 山本裕,
第52回システム制御情報学会研究発表講演会, pp.
5U3-1, 2008.
[ DOI |
http ]
小蔵正輝, 永原正章, and 山本裕,
第36回制御理論シンポジウム, pp. 131-134, 2007.
小蔵正輝, 永原正章, and 山本裕,
第7回制御部門大会, pp. 64-4-1, 2007.