Masaki Ogura

Complex Systems Science Laboratory

Complex Systems Science Laboratory, founded on 2024, is dedicated to addressing societal challenges through the understanding and control of complex systems. Our primary research areas include complex systems, control, mathematical modeling, machine learning, optimization, and self-organization.

We focus on solving societal issues through the understanding and control of complex systems. Specific research examples include locust swarm control to mitigate locust damage, weather control, and fish school control for stationary net fishing. By predicting and controlling the movement of locust swarms, we aim to minimize agricultural damage. By analyzing and controlling weather patterns, we seek to prevent disasters and mitigate the impacts of climate change. Additionally, we are developing technologies to control fish schools and improve fishing efficiency.

Through these research endeavors, we aim to tackle complex problems from both theoretical and practical perspectives, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

Latest news

Oct 2023
Seminar at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Host: Professor June Zhang
Mar 2023
Invited talk in 2nd Japanese-Canadian Frontiers of Science (JCFoS) Symposium.
Feb 2023
Paper accepted for publication in Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid SystemsDOI | arXiv | http ].
Dec 2022
Paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: SystemsDOI | http ].
Aug 2022
Coauthored paper nominated for a Finalist of SICE Annual Conference Young Author's Award.
July 2022
Tutorial Talk at the 37th International Technical Conference on CircuitsSystems, Computers and Communications [slides].
June 2022
Paper accepted for publication in Automatica.
May 2021
Paper accepted for publication in Annual Reviews in ControlarXiv ]
May 2021
Paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless CommunicationsDOI | http ]
Mar 2021
Accepting submissions to Special issue at Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering. Submission deadline is Dec 31st, 2021
Jan 2021
AI-intensive Cyber-Physical System CyPhAi, JST CREST
Dec 2020
Panelist at COVID-19 FOCUS SESSIONS in 2020 IEEE CDC
Jul 2020
Paper on deep learning-based average consensus accepted for publication in IEEE AccessarXiv ].
Jun 2020
Guest Editor of Special Issue on positive systems in the Journal of Franklin Institute.
Apr 2020
Paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and EngineeringDOI ].
Feb 2020
Paper accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and ApplicationsDOI | http ].
Jan 2020
Associate Editor, Journal of The Franklin Institute
Jan 2020
Visiting the University of Hong Kong (Host: Professor James Lam)
Dec 2019
Seminars at Shenzhen University and Guandong University of TechnologySlides ].
Dec 2019
Paper on positive systems accepted for publication in IEEE TAC. [ arXiv ]
Dec 2019
Paper on distributed deployment of UAVs accepted at IEEE INFOCOM 2020 (acceptance rate 19.8%).
Nov 2019
Moved to Osaka University as an Associate Professor.
Aug 2019
Visiting the University of Hong Kong (Host: Professor James Lam)
Jul 2019
ACC 2019 (2019 American Control Conference)
Apr 2019
Paper on epidemics on adaptive activity-driven networks accepted for publication in SIAM Journal on Applied MathematicsarXiv ]
Apr 2019
Runner-up of the 2019 Best Paper Award from the IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering for paper with V. M. Preciado. “Stability of spreading processes over time-varying large-scale networks” [ DOI | arXiv | http ]
Mar 2019
Paper accepted for publication in Research in Engineering DesignarXiv ]
Mar 2019
Paper accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Control of Network SystemsDOI | arXiv ]
Dec 2018
Visiting student: Mr. Bohao Zhu (University of Hong Kong)
Nov 2018
Master student Toshihide Tadenuma chosen as a finalist of the IFAC Young Author Award at the 5th IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems for his paper on networked control systems
Oct 2018
20th International DSM Conference
Aug 2018
NMPC 2018 (6th IFAC Conference on Nonlinear Model Predictive Control)
Jul 2018
Visiting the University of Hong Kong
Jul 2018
MTNS 2018 (23rd International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems)
Jun 2018
ACC 2018 (2018 American Control Conference)
Jan 2018
Paper accepted in Systems & Control Letters [arXiv]
Oct 2017
Book chapter published [ DOI | arXiv | http ]
Sep 2017
Member of IFAC Technical Committee on Networked Systems
Aug 2017
Paper accepted in Automatica [arXiv]
May 2017
Seminar at Washington State University
Apr 2017
Paper accepted in Physical Review E [arXiv]
Mar 2017
Joining the Nara Institute of Science and Technology as an Assistant Professor
Sep 2016
Seminar at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Aug 2016
Our paper published in IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering was the most popular article in the journal during May 2016